Fetch (puppet) facts from remote servers, sanitize them and store them locally
This code will fetch facter
facts from a list of remote servers (in parallel), and save them as yaml files in a local directory. The facts that happen to change are either stripped or set to some fixed value.
Requires the gem parallel
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
require 'parallel'
user = ENV['USER']
domain = 'my.domain.org'
fact_root = './facts-per-server'
ssh_user = 'root'
servers = File.read('servers').split("\n").compact.map{|s| s.gsub(/#.*/, "")}.map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?)
# Some facts always change and are probably useless in a static dump
bad_facts = %w[
swapfree_mb swapfree memoryfree_mb memoryfree
uptime uptime_seconds uptime_hours uptime_days system_uptime
Parallel.each(servers, :progress => "Updating facts for #{servers.size} servers") do |server|
fqdn_server = "#{server}.#{domain}"
server_file = "#{fact_root}/#{server}.yaml"
# We request the puppet facts from the remote server (exported as yaml)
raw = %x[ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -tt -l #{ssh_user} #{fqdn_server} 'sudo facter -p -y 2> /dev/null']
facts = YAML.load(raw)
# Get rid of the bad facts
facts.reject!{ |k| bad_facts.include?(k) }
# Get rid of some extra facts containing 'veth' (Docker...)
facts.reject!{ |k| k.match(/^(macaddress|mtu)_veth/) }
facts.update(facts){ |k, v|
# Get rid of veth-interfaces (Docker...)
if v.respond_to?(:gsub) and v.match(/veth/)
v = v.gsub(/,veth\h+/, "").gsub(/^veth\h+,/, "")
# Also fix docker0's mac address, since this changes every time the daemon is restarted
if k == "macaddress_docker0"
v = "aa:11:22:33:44:55"
# Trim double quotes
v.inspect.sub(/^"/, '').sub(/"$/, '')
File.write(server_file, facts.to_yaml)
# For some reason, the terminal is screwed when returning; this will fix this:
%x[stty sane]
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