This experience turned out to be a lot harder than expected. Not writing some custom function - that is dead easy. Getting done what I wanted was very hard :-)

What I had: data in hiera in a nice to maintain way

What I needed: resources for a puppet module

What I had to do: convert the data from hiera to data useful as parameters for create_resources e.a.

While usually glueing hiera to puppet resources is not the most complex thing, I had a caveat: one particular hiera_hash had to be filtered and restructured and passed as a parameter for another Puppet resource.

What I had (simplified)

    description: Interface for management
    short: Interface for management
    description: Interface for public access
    short: Interface for public access

    zone: public
    family: ipv6
      address: $IP_FROM_SERVER_1
      portid: 1234
      protocol: tcp
      action_type: accept
    zone: public
    family: ipv6
      address: $IP_FROM_SERVER_2
      portid: 1234
      protocol: tcp
      action_type: accept

What I needed

    description: Interface for management
    short: Interface for management
    description: Interface for public access
    short: Interface for public access
      - family: ipv6
          address: $IP_FROM_SERVER_1
          portid: 1234
          protocol: tcp
          action_type: accept
      - family: ipv6
          address: $IP_FROM_SERVER_2
          portid: 1234
          protocol: tcp
          action_type: accept

What I had to do

The trick was thus for each profile::firewalld::zone, creating a copy of the hiera_hash profile::firewalld::rich_rules that:

  • contains only the elements for that zone (based on the zone keys from the values)
  • has not the zone keys from the values of profile::firewalld::rich_rules
  • has not the key names (allow_from_server_x)

I tried with default Pupppet 3 manifest syntax but found no way to get it done. So I decided to build my first custom function (rich_rules_for($zone)) - I am well versed in Ruby, so technically this should be no problem. However, I found no clear information on how to retrieve any type of resources from inside a custom function, or how to return the results to be used in other resources. Thus I hit a few obstacles along the way.

First step was easy: extend the manifests/firewalld/zone.pp manifest:

define profile::firewalld::zone (
) {
  $rich_rules = rich_rules_for($name)

  ::firewalld::zone { $name:
    rich_rules => $rich_rules,

I also created a class to get the rich rules from hiera and a definition to hold a rich rule.

The file manifests/firewalld/rich_rules.pp

class profile::firewalld::rich_rules {
  $rich_rules = hiera_hash('profile::firewalld::rich_rules', {})

  create_resources('profile::firewalld::rich_rule', $rich_rules)

The file manifests/firewalld/rich_rule.pp

define profile::firewalld::rich_rule (
) {
  # Yes, the body of the definition is empty - it is meant purely as
  # a holder for data

Now finally the hard part. I will put comments inside the code to explain why I did some things.

The file lib/puppet/parser/functions/rich_rules_for.rb

module Puppet::Parser::Functions
  newfunction(:rich_rules_for, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
    zone = args[0] # I expect a single parameter, the zone
    result = [] # This will contain the filtered and converted rules for the zone
    excludes = [:zone] # These are the keys to be removed from every item

    # To get all resources in the catalog, use catalog.resources
    # I did not find a way to get only resources of a specific type, so I had to
    # 'manually' filter all resources and select only the relevant ones. At the
    # same time, I could filter for the zone.{|r|
      r.type == 'Profile::Firewalld::Rich_rule' and
        r['zone'] == zone
    }.each do |rule|
      # We will build a new element to add to the results
      clean_rule = {}

      # We iterate over all the keys/values in the original element and decide
      # whether/how to add it to the new element. 'to_hash' gives you all the
      # properties from the manifest or from hiera as a hash:
      # {
      #    :key1 => valueA,
      #    :key2 => valueB,
      # }
      rule.to_hash.each do |key, value|
        # Here we get rid of unwanted keys
        unless excludes.include?(key)
          # And we need to convert the symbols from 'to_hash' to strings again,
          # otherwise the puppet provider gets confused (:key1 != 'key1')
          clean_rule["#{key}"] = value

      # Then we add the new element to the list of results
      result << clean_rule

    # And finally, we return the list of results
    return result

I hope anyone is saved a lot of research now - I found no clean cut examples to do something similar to this…